Happy Throwback Thursday!
One of the things that I love about email and online marketing is the robust tracking and reporting available. The metrics tell you so much about how people are interacting with your email messages and Web pages — and you can use this information to identify areas with opportunity for improvement.
Back in 2010 I wrote a blog post for MarketingSherpa (at the time I was leading their full day Email Marketing Training Workshops in Canada, Germany and the United States) about metrics and numbers that every email marketer should know by heart. While some of the usual suspects (open rate, click-through rate) are on the list, many of the items are things that are often overlooked — even thought they are important for success.
Although the list will be celebrating it’s 4th birthday early next month it’s still relevant, so I decided to share it as this week’s Throwback Thursday (TBT) post.
Here are the first 5 from the list — do you know these numbers cold?
- Percentage of New Website Visitors that Sign-up for Email
- Abandon Rate on Your Online Sign-up Process
- List Size(s)
- Monthly List Growth Rate
- Bounce Rate
To get more detail on each of these and see the complete list of all ten numbers, read the full original blog post.
What would you add to the list today? I’ve got some ideas — let me know yours (feel free to use the comments section here) and I’ll give you full credit when I write the updated version.
Happy TBT!