On Leaving the eec’s MAC…

Picture of Jeanne Jennings
Jeanne Jennings

It was with a heavy heart this morning that I resigned from the Membership Advisory Committee (MAC) of the Email Experience Council (eec), and as chair of the eec’s membership and marketing sub-committee (M&M). I hope to continue as a member of the organization.

I was a member of the MAC and chair of the M&M for over 3 years. I am proud of the accomplishments of the M&M during my tenure as chair, including:

  • Creating a new ‘conference-registration-plus-membership’ offering which successfully enticed non-members registering for the annual conference to join the eec at a discounted rate
  • Developing a new ‘Bronze’ sponsor membership option, which has given many smaller organizations a cost-effective way to become involved with the eec
  • Launching a new ‘Young Professionals’ membership option, with a tiered fee structure that has made it less costly for email marketers under 30 years of age to join the eec

But my involvement with the eec goes far beyond just my 3 years on the MAC and chairing the M&M, including:

  • Leading full- and half-day workshops before the eec’s email evolution conference, not just this year but going back for many, many years, which helped industry professionals make their email marketing programs more effective and more profitable, while generating significant upsell revenue for the eec
  • Crafting an acquisition email marketing series to entice free email subscribers into becoming paid members of the eec
  • Participating as an active member of many eec sub-committees, including awards, conference planning, marketing and membership (even before I was chair), and nominations.

I am especially honored to have been featured in the eec Volunteer Member Star Spotlight in March of this year.

Special thanks to the current eec staff, Jocelyn Argarin, Senny Boone, Jeremy Ladson and Lisa Brown Shosteck, for all your help and support over the years.

Thanks also to everyone who served on the M&M during my tenure as chair. You are all rock stars and I am lucky to have worked with such a talented and dedicated group of people.

And finally, best wishes to my former colleagues on the MAC. It was a pleasure serving with you. Thanks for all you do for the eec!

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