master AI for Email Marketing

Jeanne Jennings  |  202.365.0423  |

Upcoming Dates and Times:
Two 3-hour sessions | 6-hours total
Monday and Tuesday, October 21 and 22, 2024
Monday and Tuesday, January 27 and 28, 2025
12:00 Noon to 3:00 PM ET each day

Join us for this fast-paced, hands-on training workshop developed specifically to help email marketers harness the power of generative artificial intelligence (Gen AI) to increase productivity and boost bottom-line results.

Generative AI is the new bright, shiny thing in email marketer’s toolboxes. If you’re not using it, you should be. And if you are using it – are you using it as effectively as you could be?

I’m not talking about basic ‘it’s-better-than-nothing’ campaigns. I’m talking about campaigns that leverage your knowledge and expertise about your audience and your product or service, and then go further, via a collaboration with the AI, to create ‘this-is-really-going-to-produce-results’ campaigns.

All in less time than you’re currently spending.

In this comprehensive session you’ll actually use ChatGPT to build the foundations of a marketing campaign for your organization.

Through limited lecture and a lot of individual hands-on exercises you’ll:

  • Use AI, with expert guidance, to begin developing an email marketing campaign for your organization. This includes research, personas, feature-benefit-advantages analysis, objections and how to overcome them, key messages, message map with frequency and cadence, creative briefs, copy, and more
  • Create and train your own team of custom GPTs for use in the workshop – and after
  • Learn how to craft more effective prompts to get better results in less time
  • Understand when publicly available custom GPTs are helpful – and use a few that we recommend
  • And more!

You’ll need:

A paid ChatGPT account (it’s just $20) for the exercises – at the end of the workshop you’ll leave with the foundation of an email campaign for your organization.

Upcoming Date and Time:
Two 3-hour sessions | 6-hours total
Monday and Tuesday, October 21 and 22, 2024
12:00 Noon to 3:00 PM ET each day

Super Early Bird Early Bird Last Minute

Ends September 30, 2024

Ends October 14, 2024

Ends October 20, 2024

Upcoming Dates and Times:
Two 3-hour sessions | 6-hours total
Monday and Tuesday, January 27 and 28, 2025
12:00 Noon to 3:00 PM ET each day

Super Early Bird Early Bird Last Minute

Ends December 27, 2024

Ends January 13, 2025

Ends January 24, 2025

Jeanne and Tamara’s Workshops are Hands-on, Interactive, and Fun!

Digital marketing is fun — and so is this workshop!

Jeanne and Tamara’s years of experience as trainers (and Jeanne’s years as a professor) have honed their workshop skills. Each section of the workshop is broken into three parts:

  • Lecture: Jeanne and Tamara use case studies, real-world examples, interactive discussions, personal experiences, and layman’s terms to present and explain the concepts you need for success.
  • Exercise: You’ll apply what you’ve learned right away, working individually, in a small group, or as a class
  • Readout: Once complete, you’ll share your work with Jeanne, Tamara and the class, and get feedback.

At least 60% of your time will be spent on exercises and readouts; no more than 40% will be spent listening to Jeanne and Tamara lecture. Have a question? Just ask. They are happy to address it in the moment. 

Your Instructors


Jeanne Jennings is a recognized expert in the email marketing world and a sought-after trainer, speaker, and author on industry topics. Jeanne has over 20 years of experience in the email and online marketing and product development world.

She is also the Founder of Email Optimization Shop, a consultancy with a direct response approach to digital marketing strategy, tactics and creative direction. They help clients make their email marketing initiatives more effective and more profitable.

In addition, Jeanne is Chair of the Email Innovations World U.S. conference and General Manager of Only Influencers, the original community of email industry professionals. And she is an adjunct professor teaching digital marketing to students earning their Masters in Integrated Marketing Communications at Georgetown University.

From 2001 to 2016 she wrote a regular column on Email Marketing for She is also a regular contributor to her own Email Optimization Shop Blog and the Only Influencers Blog.

Jeanne is based in the Georgetown neighborhood of Washington, DC. She earned her MBA from Georgetown University’s McDonough School of Business (Hoya Saxa!) and is an avid hockey fan (Let’s Go Caps!).


Tamara Gielen is an internationally recognized expert in email marketing, with over 20 years of experience as a trainer, author, and public speaker. Her deep passion for generative AI and its applications in email marketing sets her apart in the industry.

As an independent consultant, Tamara has worked with all sorts of companies enhancing email marketing strategies and driving meaningful results. Her extensive experience includes training thousands of marketers on best practices in email marketing and automation. And now also: generative AI.

Tamara’s ability to make complex concepts accessible and actionable, combined with her enthusiasm for generative AI, makes her a sought-after speaker at conferences and seminars where she shares insightful perspectives and truly inspires audiences to leverage this technology.

Her engaging and impactful presentations consistently motivate audiences to adopt innovative approaches and achieve greater success in their email marketing efforts.

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