KISS OFF-ers: 6 Tips for Better Offers with the KISS Principle

Picture of Jeanne Jennings
Jeanne Jennings

You’ve probably heard of the KISS principle – “Keep it simple, stupid.”

This post isn’t intended to question anyone’s intelligence, but sometimes complexity creeps into offer strategies, and it’s easy to lose sight of simplicity. If your team’s KISS principle compliance has been on vacation, here are six tips to bring it back to work.

What exactly are we talking about? Here are two examples I’ve seen with clients.

Example 1: The “Everything and the Kitchen Sink” Offer Strategy

For many B2C service businesses, the winter holidays are a key period for revenue generation, especially if you offer gift cards. But when even your creative team struggles to keep offers clear and organized, the KISS principle goes out the window.

For instance, this offer grid with nine different promotional offers in 45 days:

This complexity was compounded by:

  • Two customer segments (members and non-members).
  • Two sales locations (in-store/phone and online).

Even when offers were nearly identical, like in December, different minimums applied for members versus non-members, without clear justification. Worse, they missed opportunities for last-minute discounts on gift cards, which are hugely popular during the holidays.

Example 2: The “Creating Offers to Justify Sending More Email” Strategy

Another B2C organization – selling physical products and gift cards – made a drastic pivot about 16 months ago to a promotion-heavy strategy while increasing email frequency significantly.

Their email cadence included at least three emails per sale, which is solid in principle. The problem? They ran two sales per week, even outside of the holiday season, leading to offer fatigue. Here are one month’s offers:

While the changing offers kept their daily emails fresh, it’s doubtful that a customer who ignored last week’s “13% off $113” offer would be swayed by this week’s “15% off $115.” Instead, the constant offer churn created unnecessary complexity and likely desensitized their audience to discounts.

Tips to Simplify and Strengthen Your Offer Strategy

Keep these tips in mind to make sure your offers align with the KISS principle.

1. Make the Offer Easy to Communicate
Complexity kills conversions. Ensure your offer can be explained in one clear phrase. If you require multiple disclaimers or footnotes, it’s likely too complicated. Clarity reduces hesitation and builds trust.

2. Ensure the Offer Delivers Value
Your audience should immediately recognize the benefit. Provide value that aligns with your customers’ needs and expectations. Don’t use vague language.

3. Use Benefit-Oriented Language
Be sure your offers emphasize what customers gain. This positive framing makes the benefit feel tangible and reinforces action. Even better – make it feel like a special opportunity and use ‘you’ whenever you can!

4. Plan Offers Strategically
Map out your promotional calendar at least three months ahead, including designated “hero offers” like your best deal of the year. This adds urgency and positions the sale as a standout event, making it more compelling.

5. Segment Your Offers Thoughtfully
Tailor promotions to different audience segments. Reward loyal customers with repeat purchase incentives and use stronger discounts to re-engage dormant customers. Strategic segmentation ensures relevance and boosts ROI. Recognize and reward customer loyalty to increase retention.

6. Avoid Flash Sale Overkill
Flash sales are effective in moderation but lose their impact if overused. Instead of weekly flash sales, reserve them for key moments to generate excitement. A well-communicated flash sale schedule helps maintain their exclusivity and effectiveness.


By keeping your offers simple, clear, and strategic, you can increase engagement and sales without overwhelming your audience or your team. Remember, a streamlined approach benefits everyone.

Until next time!

Photo by Jonah Pettrich on Unsplash

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