Email Innovations world

Jeanne Jennings  |  202.365.0423  |

Email Innovations World (EIW) is the premier email marketing event.

Jeanne Jennings, Email Optimization Shop, is EIW’s programming chair and moderator.

Email Innovations World 2025

June 3-4, 2025 | Phoenix, Arizona
Pre- and post-conference workshops June 2 and June 5, 2025

EIW offers knowledge and networking to help attendees enhance their email marketing programs and their careers. 


EIW offers two tracks of content over 2 full days of the conference. Attendees may also register for pre- and post-conference workshops, offering a deeper dive into key industry topics. 

Speakers and panelists are recognized industry experts as well as brand-side marketers.

Content is focused on emerging strategies and tactics, as well as innovative approaches to existing strategies and tactics.  

Knowledge and Networking

Our ‘session+roundtable’ format allows attendees to participate in small group discussions led by speakers and panelists on each session.

This reinforces the learnings, as well as providing opportunities to network with like-minded industry professionals as well as speakers and panelists. 


In addition to the roundtables, EIW includes 2 formal networking sessions, one each day of the conference.

Informal networking is also facilitated during during breaks, lunch, and receptions during the event. 


Sponsors love our events, as they provide more than the standard trade show experience and opportunities.

All sponsors have the opportunity to present from the stage to all attendees. We can also facilitate one-on-one meetings as well as curated group events. 

Learn more about EIW Sponsorships


We accept proposals to speak year-round. 

Programming beings in earnest in the November/December before the event. Speakers will be notified as to the status of their proposals by the end of the January before the event.

Learn more about Speaking at EIW

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Out list is double opt-in; please watch for an email with instructions confirming your subscription. 


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